We need your help in identifying all the people behind the criminal actions of everyone working beneathe the Integrated Securities Unit (ISU)... police, security personnel and others!
If you are a member of a police force and witnessed your fellow officers committing illegal acts - you are legally obligated to come forth and notify authorities... but given we can't trust them - send your story here!
Ontario Provincial Police
Peel Regional Police
Toronto Police
Barrie Police
Calgary Police
Dryden Police
Durham Regional Police
Edmonton Police
Halton Regional Police
Hamilton Police Service
Kenora Police
London Police
Montreal Police
Niagara Regional Police
Ottawa Police Services (ESU)
Peterborough Lakefield Community Police
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
Saskatoon Police
Sudbury Police
Waterloo Regional Police
Windsor Police Service
York Regional Police
Barrie Court Services
Toronto Court Services
Contemporary International
Group 4 Falck
InterCon Security / ADT
Undercover Personnel
Undercover Personnel
Click for Website
G20 ID#:

Name: Suspected Agent Provocateur (Male)
Badge #:
Involved In: Help ID this suspected agent provocateur!
Location: various
G20 ID#:

Name: (Male)
Badge #:
Involved In: Potentially involved in assault and enciting violence/rioting
Location: various
G20 ID#:

Name: Undercover (Male)
Badge #:
Involved In:

Potential illegal detention and search.
Location: TBD
G20 ID#:

Name: Undercover (Male)
Badge #:
Involved In: Potential witness to illegal activities. Potential enticing of violence.
G20 ID#:

Name: Undercover (Female)
Badge #:
Involved In: Potential assault, intimidation, illegal detention & arrest
G20 ID#:

Name: Undercover (Male)
Badge #:
Involved In: Potential illegal detainment and arrests. Intimidation.